10 thoughts on “a year in the life of a first-year teacher…”

  1. good slideshow, kb… especially images showing her contemplation and frustration.

  2. Well done Katie. You have some really fine images in there and tell the story well. My fave is the one at :39. Great seeing!

  3. B. Paregien Davis

    Very well done. I love the story and how her true emotions really show through.

  4. Emily Katelyn

    Great job Katie. So thorough! I loved the ambient banter between her and the students, especially when the kid said "that's a lie," about what day it was. Some beautiful shots, and I'm glad you didn't end it with her at home.

  5. thanks for all the comments guys… mo, i spent about 12 days/evenings with her, mixed up throughout the year. ;)

  6. I liked it! I know quite a few people who are entering the teaching profession this year or next and this is an honest look at what they go through. Did you feel like 12 visits was enough to get her story or were there more things you still wanted to address?

    ps- my word verification was "mandinks"

  7. Katie, You captured that really well! The images you chose definitely compliment the emotion of the story. I especially liked the two pictures in the hallway- one with her pushing books – there's something about an empty hallway at the end of the school year – and the one of her reaching across her comfort zone to connect with the young lady at the hallway corner. It captures the invisible line teachers must balance very well.

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