10 thoughts on “pictures from six states…”

  1. Katie, Nice pictures documenting your trip to the left coast. Love the photo of Hank in the road and the photos in the mountains. Beautiful country and beautiful photos. Glad to see the ole Camry carried you safely on your 2000 mile journey. love dad

  2. kt,
    the men of columbia are going to have a city-wide “flip your collar” day upon your return home. you can thank me with a smile.
    miss you,

  3. number 14 from Oregon is my favorite, awesome scenery. the trip from MO to WA seems almost bearable as a 2-minute photo set. good luck with the new house!

  4. Bellingham? What a perfect place for you! From this side of the world (spain) I feel a little twinge of envy… longing for the happy funk of the northwest… I was just dreaming of portland today.

    Can’t wait to see more.

  5. Looked like there was some treacherous driving through the snow. Hank seemed to be enjoying himself. Enjoy your new digs and all the young punks you share it with. Excited to see you wearing the new hoodie!

  6. I can’t believe you took a picture of the little america sign. I guess that’s more fitting that taking an actual picture of the place since it’s tiny. Nice pics cuz

  7. it’s like that movie everyone is talking about…looks like a beeeeautiful drive. good luck there!

  8. GOODLUCK!!!! Thanks a lot for the comments on my blog too. I really appreciate it! Photo number 16 is hilarious and sweet roof-top carrier, I must say. Again, goodluck and have fun! Tully

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